Enforcer Application
Welcome to the CWAEmu Enforcer application.
Before you start filling out this application, there are a few things you should know:
Before you start filling out this application, there are a few things you should know:
1. CWAEmu is a volunteer effort. No income or salary is provided as compensation for anyone’s involvement.
2. As a CWAEmu Enforcer we expect a certain amount of maturity since they deal a lot with the community. For this reason and due to the content they may be exposed to, we require all applicants to be at least 16 years old.
3. Previous infractions count. If you have any account associated with you that has infractions, they may be factored into the decision of your application.
As an Enforcer you will be required to use different types of services and programs to effectively do your job.
You must be willing to download these programs and services and learn how to use them to do your job.
Enforcers represent CWAEmu, Because of this we have higher standards for you than members of the community. So we are looking for people who are extraordinary, not only in their job but in how they communicate and go about the community.
Position Requirements:
● Must be at least 16 years of age.
● Have a deep understanding of the CWAEmu Terms of Service.
● CWAEmu accounts must be in good standing.
● Must be able to handle explicit language and inappropriate content.
● An intermediate technical ability to understand the software and interfaces used for moderation.
Resume Requirements
The application begins below.
Take your time to fill out the form and provide clear, detailed answers when possible.
The application begins below.
Take your time to fill out the form and provide clear, detailed answers when possible.
This emulator project is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Daybreak Games, Lucasfilm Entertainment, Electronic Arts or The Walt Disney Company.
From this point forward you do not hold Disney, it's affiliates/subsidiaries or CWAEmu liable for damages or loss that may occur.
We don't have advertisements, micro-transactions or anything else that would allow revenue.
All original assets (3d models, music, sound, etc.) were made by DayBreak with the help of Lucasfilm.
We do not accept any monetary donations, all expenses are payed from our own pockets.
From this point forward you do not hold Disney, it's affiliates/subsidiaries or CWAEmu liable for damages or loss that may occur.
We don't have advertisements, micro-transactions or anything else that would allow revenue.
All original assets (3d models, music, sound, etc.) were made by DayBreak with the help of Lucasfilm.
We do not accept any monetary donations, all expenses are payed from our own pockets.